MONDAY 2/10 PART 2: Favorite Super Bowl moments and commercials / Jodi's HoMONDAY 2/10 PART 1: Sleep noise - who needs it most? / 3 Things To Know TodFAMILY: DeployedTHE WEEKEND REPLAY PODCAST: Breakups harder on men? How did Sam's Mom ScoreAFTER THE SHOW PODCAST: More Things-to-Know-TodayFRIDAY 2/7 PART 2: he most popular mocktails to order, and 3 things to knowFRIDAY 2/7 PART 1: A Trick to make your workplace more fun and Jodi's HollyFRI-YAY! AFTER THE SHOW PODCAST: Scattered Attention.THURSDAY 2/6 PART 2: Have you ever had to apologize to one of your kids? / THURSDAY 2/6 PART 1: Serious family conversations at a restaurant? / Tom BrIN MEMORY: Stories that bridge eternity