Supposedly names that were popular in 1920 are seeing a comeback in 2020. Of course many are timeless classics, then there are a few that should be brought back and of course some that should remain in the past...what do you think?
The most popular girls names of the 1920s
1. Mary
2. Dorothy
3. Helen
4. Betty
5. Margaret
6. Ruth
7. Virginia
8. Doris
9. Mildred
10. Frances
11. Elizabeth
12. Evelyn
13. Anna
14. Marie
15. Alice
16. Jean
17. Shirley
18. Barbara
19. Irene
20. Marjorie (woo-hoo my name is coming back!!!)
The most popular boys names of the 1920s
1. Robert
2. John
3. James
4. William
5. Charles
6. George
7. Joseph
8. Richard
9. Edward
10. Donald
11. Thomas
12. Frank
13. Harold
14. Paul
15. Raymond
16. Walter
17. Jack
18. Henry
19. Kenneth
20. Arthur
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