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Have you posted a picture of your Holly Jolly self on social media yet? This is the week for it… Give yourself a point for everyone you have posted this year:
- Christmas tree photos
- Elf on the Shelf photos
- Kids with Santa photos
- The "I've finished all my shopping and wrapping" posts
- Photos of pets in Santa hats
- People on planes/on vacation
- Holiday baking photos
- Photos of food
- Photos of gifts
- Engagement rings
Score of 0-2--Maybe time to get a jingle on because it appears that Christmas is coming sooner than you think!
3-6--Looks like you've got just the right amount of Christmas Spirit happening, well done.
7-10--HO-HO-HO are you one of Santa's Elves? You have really got it going on this year! Hope that jolly Christmas Spirit stays with you through to next Christmas!!!