Do They Have Their FLIRT ON? Or Are They Just Being Nice?
By Scotty Mac
It’s not always easy to tell if that guy or girl is flirting or just being friendly. When someone flirts with you, it’s an amazing feeling. It can send a warm jolt of electricity through your body. Whether it’s verbal flirting, like playful banter, or physical flirting such as playful touches, flirting is fun! BUT what if you don’t really know? Sometimes, it’s not easy to tell.
First and foremost, don’t over-read and react. This never does any good and if anything, may cause them to lose any attraction they felt toward you. Instead, just relax and have fun. To help guide you a bit, here are the biggest signs that the flirt is ON! .
1. They Treat You Differently
Some people are naturally flirty. They flirt with everyone, as it’s just a mode of being to them. When someone really likes you, their "way" of flirting will be different with you. Pay attention. Notice how they interact with others, THEN compare it to the way they are with you. There will be a noticeable difference.
2. They Remember What You Say
When that person remembers what you said several minutes (or even days) ago, it can be a sign of flirting. They remember the details; your first pet, your favorite hobby, the name of your best friend, and that funny story you told them last week. When we like someone, we want to know everything about them and pay close attention to what they say, and how they say it.
3. That Special Sort of Smile
You catch their eye from across the room and that smile gets bigger, even if they were already smiling! Ladies, when a guy is flirting with you, his smile will change. It’s not the same old smile he gives everyone else. His eyes might light up or a gleam may enter his eyes. And when he talks to you he can’t stop smiling, almost to the point where it looks like his face hurts. It’s a real, genuine sort of smile, one that takes over his entire face.
4. They Try to Figure Out Your Relationship Status
If a person of interest is trying to gauge your relationship status, they are into you. This one’s pretty obvious. Clearly, they want to see if you’re available in case he or she wants to take things further. Notice the statements and questions.
“A girl like you can’t be single!”
“Are you here with your girlfriend or just some of your friends?”
“Your girlfriend is a lucky lady.”
“I hope I’m not taking your boyfriend’s seat.”
5. Sneaky Touches
Not inappropriately, mind you. They might do this in small, subtle ways – an arm on your shoulder, his high-five that lingers just a little longer than usual, or picking lint off your shoulder sleeve . If you find they can’t quite keep their hands out of your space, they are into you.
6. Body Language Cues
This is one of the biggest indicators. When that person is flirting, they’ll lean into you while they talk. Other body language indicators include angling of their body toward you, making - and holding - eye contact, and keeping their feet facing towards you. Tilting of the head is also a sign.
7. They Seem Flustered
They are SO cute when they talk on and on about random subjects, then-when they realize they're rambling-here comes the blushing face. Just LOOK what you did! You turned even the most confident guy or gal into a flustered, bumbling mess as they're trying to impress you.
8. They Fidget
Guys tend to forget what to do with their hands when talking to a girl they like and often fidget. It’s a way to work off too much excitement or nervous energy. A woman also might fidget; adjusting clothing, play with her hair, get shifty, or even seem a little uncomfortable in these processes. If they seem otherwise fairly confident, and only act fidgety around you, then you’re onto something.
9. They Try to Impress You
When a man flirts, he normally will try to impress a lady, talking himself up by mentioning his big promotion, his really awesome house, or any of his talents. This may come across as bragging and maybe a little arrogant, but don’t be put off, be flattered! That's how men do it. Ladies will do this also, except it's a little more laid back.
10. They Try to Make You Laugh
Most singles tend to joke when they’re flirting with you to make you feel comfortable with them. It’s also a great way to break the ice and feel more comfortable. They'll bring out their best jokes, funny stories, and their cleverest quips. Anything to get you laughing!
11. They Gently Tease You
When you're their the object of a romantic desire, this isn’t meant to hurt your feelings or make you feel put down. The teasing is presented in a fun, lighthearted, playful, and/or joking manner. It could be pointing out the way you speak or pronounce some words, teasing you about your favorite book, movie, or band. He might even playfully disagree about how a food he doesn’t care for is better than a food you like.
12. They Compliment Your Appearance
This is an obvious one, especially if they compliment your appearance. Guys may say you are beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, sexy, etc. Ladies don’t give out compliments so freely, but guys, the message is the same: you are pleasing to their eyes.
13. You Feel the Familiar Flutter
There’s a strange sort of enchantment hanging in the air when you talk to them. There is a definitely a strong chemistry between you both. You know it’s flirting when the interaction between you two isn’t like other interactions you have with others. Your heart feels light and airy and you feel happy. And all you can think about is, "WHEN can I see them again?"