15 Awesome & Easy Ways To Stay Happy When You're Single

1. Practice self-love. Loving yourself first is not selfish. It is actually the most important relationship you should nurture. Self-love is embracing yourself, forgiving yourself, and-this is very important-PROTECTING yourself.

2. View life as a positive. You will live better and longer if you chose positivity and distance yourself from the negative. Optimism is a happiness magnet, so it you stay positive, good things and good people will surely be drawn to you. And the negative folks will just fade away, since you refuse to join their life pity party.

3. Consider financial benefits of being single. Yes, you can really save money while you are single, as compared to those who are in a relationship. Instead of spending money on a partner, you can spend it for yourself or - better yet - save it for the future.

4. Serve Others-and God. Serving the needs of others is a chance for you to show a lot more depth than just seeking your own desires. If you want to pursue a strong relationship, serving God with a church is a great place to start. For women, writer Marydel Mitch Flores says, "learn to love yourself and God first, for he will surely lead you to the right man." Good advice for both genders.

5. Spend more time with your family. Always remember that you don’t have to be in an intimate relationship just to be happy. The love and support of your family to yours is already enough to keep yourself happy. They are the one’s whom you can trust and can rely on in times you need someone to lean on.  

6. Keep in touch with your friends. Surround yourself with those who make you happy, and make sure to choose friends who are worth it and real.  Your friends are the medicine for a wounded heart and a shoulder to lean on. Hang out with your friends and make the most of your time. It’s not how much you have, but how much you enjoy with them that makes happiness.

7. Get and stay fit and build a happy lifestyle. This is surely the perfect time to reconnect with yourself on a healthy living level. You may want to start a new exercise program; walking, jogging or a gym. Choose healthy foods to put in your diet mix, because sometimes an unhealthy diet can bring your mood down. 

8. Focus on your career.  If you focus on your career, you will surely have more opportunities. Invest in yourself. The harder you work for something, the greater happiness you will feel when you finally achieve it.

9. Learn to ignore social media definitions of happy couples.

It may be difficult not to get envious seeing sweet couples on your news feed while you’re single. Thoughts like "why can't that be me?" will cause a deeper dive to frustration and sadness. If you're on social media, post pics and words that show the enjoyment in life you have around you. Then, refer back to your page to remind you of that.

10. Step out of your comfort zone. Why not try to do things you’ve never done before? Go somewhere and do something fun and new. Stepping out will lead you to new friends and amazing experiences; perhaps a future relationship that would otherwise wouldn'id happen unless you do.

11. Achieve independence. Dependent people rely more on a relationship. However, happiness should never be completely dependent upon another person. It should depend upon ourselves, and those choices that support that thinking. It's an empowering feeling, that will exude confidence. And confidence is very attractive.

12. Enjoy your freedom. You are free to be spontaneous without the consideration of a significant other. Instead of complaining about your relationship status, why not just enjoy your freedom while you are still single? Remember, it's a blessing to have your own time for yourself. More than you may realize in this season of life.

13. Start a new hobby. Here's a chance to enjoy the freedom from the responsibilities of a relationship. Add something that will inspire you to enrich your life. If you have something you’ve always wanted to do, now is the perfect time to do it. Choose to do something different that will challenge and grow you.

14. Appreciate life. Learn how to be contented and appreciate life right where you are. Always keep in mind that if you are breathing, you are blessed because of the blessing of living. Appreciate every minute of it. Remember you don’t always get a second chance of it.

15. Recognize the importance of perfect timing. Timing is everything, most especially in a future relationship. The time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Instead of being lonely about your relationship status, why not just remind yourself that there is a perfect time for everything?

Credit: MARYDEL MITCH FLORES-InspiringTips.com

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