Women Are BETTER Drivers but for how long?

This probably comes as no surprise to most women but... WOMEN are BETTER drivers. For instance: I started driving at a younger age than my husband and yet (knock on wood) I have been in less accidents then he has...ok, that alone isn't enough to prove it. ;)  

So, why does it cost more to get car insurance for your son then your daughter? Plain and simple: men cause more road accidents than women. That is according to the numbers from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and other organizations. 

As it turns out, it is nothing biological. The things men are doing could be done by women. However so far woman have elected not to do it. What are they doing? Men are more likely to drive aggressively, (speeding, tailgating) dangerously, (while intoxicated) thoughtlessly, (sleep deprived) and distracted, (texting or talking on the phone.) Sadly, the last one is also causing a rise in accidents with women drivers. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no such thing as multi tasking! You are only alternating what you give your attention too. Drive fully focused and calm down. There are worse things than being late or even dyeing in a car accident...imagine living with the knowledge that you killed someone else because of how you were driving.

DSLR picture of a modern police car light bar equipment on top of a white police car. In the background there is a modern glass building.

Fire Fighters at Work on the Scene of Accident

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