5 Common Curly Hair Mistakes

Got curly hair? The struggle is real!

My daughter has curly hair like her dad. His is easy to care for...he keeps it about an inch long. My straight haired self didn't have the first idea on how to work with my daughter's hair but after a little research I found I was doing A LOT of stuff wrong. Here are 5 common curly hair mistakes:

1. Washing Too Frequently ...this one is probably true for all of us. Ideally, curly haired people should wash their hair only once a week. Twice at most. Preferable with a shampoo that doesn't contain sulfate. Got a big event happening? It is best to plan to wash your curly hair three days prior to have it looking its best.

2. Rinsing Too Much...a little conditioner should be allowed to stay on curly hair. For best results apply only to the ends and rinse a little.

3. Wrong Towel...Who knew?!? The very thick plush terrycloth towels we love for their soft absorbency actually have big thread loops that frizz hair. Wrap them around your body and use a microfiber towel to simply scrunch curly hair dry.

4. Cutting Too Often ...Sadness, a trip to the salon is always such a pampering experience. However, if you have curly hair you will be saving some money. While the rest of us get our hair cut every 4-6 weeks curly haired folks should go every 3 months. It has to do with how curly hair tends to grow in ringlets and cutting those ringlets while dry can give the stylist a better idea of how the hair will lay. 

5. BLOW DRYERS...A gigantic time saver for the rest of us, a blow dryer, for curly haired people is an assault on their locks. Air dry is the way to go but if you are short on time use the low heat setting and keep your hands and hair brush away from your hair while using it. Be gentle with your curls! 

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